XR Network+ supports new Virtual Production collaborations

XR Network+ has awarded funding to a second round of research and development projects focused on research collaboration and innovation in areas aligned with Virtual Production (VP).

The projects are led by researchers working in VP at universities across the UK in partnership with industry. The collaborations span diverse aspects of VP technologies including simulation, hybrid performance, haptics and interactive art.

Seven ‘Embedded R&D’ collaborations will transfer tangible and intellectual property, expertise and learning between academia and industry. A further four ‘Prototyping, Impact and Assessment’ collaborations will test new ideas and complete existing work.

Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and led by XR Stories at the University of York, XR Network+ is setting a ten-year research agenda for VP related content creation and consumption for the creative and digital economies. 

XR Network+ is a collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, University of the Arts London, Cardiff University and Ulster University. The project is supporting growth and facilitating collaboration between academia and industry on a national scale.

Visit the XR Network+ projects web page to find out more about the work taking place.

Image credit to Dr. Naman Merchant, Abertay University.

Published on 23 October 2024

Filed under: Funding news, XR Network+