
XR Network+ Virtual Production in the Digital Economy provides funding and support to researchers working in virtual production technologies. Through our networks of partners, we are setting the research agenda for virtual production (VP), supporting growth, and facilitating collaboration between academia and industry on a national stage. 

XR Network+ is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It will establish a ten-year research agenda for VP related content creation and consumption for the creative and digital economies. 

Led by The University of York, XR Network+ is conducted in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, University of the Arts London, Cardiff University and Ulster University. Grant funding is administered by the University of York.

Research collaboration, co-creation and challenge-led innovation are the cornerstones of XR Network+ activity. The project is building a community of academic research and industry R&D at the convergence of ideas, technologies, and creative practice in VP to deliver impact and opportunity for the whole of the digital economy.