FINELINE Immersive

Project partners: University of Nottingham, Lumo Company

This collaboration between the University of Nottingham and Lumo Company is creating a prototype for digital live performance that combines contemporary circus, classical music and eXtended Reality (XR) technologies. 

The project builds on an existing live show, FINELINE, which was performed around the UK and Europe in 2023. An award from The Nordic Culture Fund supported exploration of digital business models for the show, including some initial R&D in collaboration with the University of Nottingham.

Researchers will develop content captured during this experimentation phase into a prototype immersive experience combining the power of live performance with cutting-edge technologies. The prototype will be performed at the University of Nottingham’s Virtual and Immersive Production (VIP) Studio to gather insights into audience preferences.

Performing arts organisations face major challenges around how to fuse XR technologies and live performance without losing emotional impact. The project will investigate how digital technologies can be used to create innovative experiences for contemporary performance and reach new audience groups.

The work will also inform the development of guidelines, frameworks, and industry standards that will shape the future of VP in the performing arts.

FINELINE Immersive is one of seven initiatives supported by the XR Network+ Prototyping, Impact and Acceleration (PIA) funding call, with grants of up to £10,000 awarded to researchers at UK universities to develop new ideas and complete existing research related to VP. 

Image credit to Mikki Kunttu.

Categories: Performance, Research, Technology