Booking info

Cost: FREE


XR Network+ seminar: How to move towards sustainable XR and virtual production

2:00 pm - 17 Jan 2024


The first XR Network+ online seminar about how to move towards sustainable extended reality (XR) technologies and virtual production (VP) took place on 17 January 2024.

Declan Keeney, Professor of Screen Technologies and Innovation at Ulster University explored use of VP technologies and their role in carbon reduction in the screen industries. Declan will also talk about the outcomes of a Policy Fellowship at the Design Museum, London, as part of the AHRC/DCMS funded Future Observatory programme.

Alexandra Dales (York St John University) and Nina Willment (University of York) explored the sustainability potentials and challenges associated with the immersive technology and virtual production sector.

Taking place on the third Wednesday of every month, the seminars will provide a forum to share knowledge, experience, and best practice, and will grow a network of peers working in extended reality (XR) and virtual production across academia and industry.

View Alexandra and Nina’s presentation.

Watch a recording of the seminar.


Booking info

Cost: FREE
